A Prayer for Patience and Perseverance | NAMI

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem*

(With the name Allah, the Merciful Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer)

O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.  – Holy Quran chapter 2: verse 153

O’ Allah (G_d), the Creator of heavens and earth, we seek and cherish Your boundless mercies and forgiveness whenever we forget or fall short. Complete our shortcomings as only You can do. We need Your mercy and guidance in our darkest hours, as well as during the brightness of our day. Motivate our faith daily – step by step – towards excellence, and even more excellence as we mend our souls with Your love.

We humble ourselves as we rise in the morning, as another day is about to start with our talk to You O’ Allah. Bless us to be patient with one another and hear our prayer, whether offered one-on-one or as a family unit; let us reflect on the center of our well-being.

Protect us during those uneasy moments that seemingly cannot wait, wherein we respond or say things – words that no one knows what we are about to say, not even the one speaking – those remarkable reflections that has been going on for all our lives. We thank You for allowing us to express all our thoughts and worries that came about the day before.

Teach us to be people of peace; those who remain still and calm throughout the turbulent storms of life. Nourish our natural tendency to serve Your will as we seek to stand erect and balanced upon a mental and spiritual foundation where love, peace and understanding radiates internally and externally for those in our presence. O Lord, hear our prayer for patience and perseverance in all situations.

Purify our intentions and correct our thought patterns as we sincerely release our desire to pray for self and our loved ones. Bless us with the light of understanding that we trust and rely upon daily as we mold our lives. Place no more on us than we can control. As You see fit, help us all to be that stronger person as we walk our lives today.

Whenever we are in the weakness of our senses, forgive us on the faith that we’re still coming to You for strength, O’ Allah (G_d). Within Your creation are answers to ease all troubles.

Grant us control of our emotions as we seek remedy for the faults that occur. We need and seek the pleasure of Your divine kindness. Thereafter, nothing or no one can stop the pleasure that we desire. Grant us this gift O’ Allah as we, with patience and perseverance, place ourselves in the one-on-one relationship of Your care.

We thank You for family and friends who patiently listen so we can hear their love for goodness, despite of ourselves. Together we meet these challenges upon Your grace and goodness. Thus we seek Your help with patient perseverance and prayer; for You, O’ Allah are with those who patiently persevere. We pray in Your Holy name, Amen!

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