Jun 27, 2017

One in five Americans are affected by mental illness, and more than 50% do not receive treatment. We need more coverage for mental health care, not less.

The Senate health reform bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 (BCRA), will take us backwards.

The BCRA will allow states to let health insurance plans drop mental health and substance use coverage. It is an injustice to suggest that mental health coverage is optional.

The Senate bill will also devastate community mental health programs by cutting Medicaid funding, making it harder for people to get psychiatric medications, case management and mental health services.

If the Senate passes this bill, it will result in less mental health care and shift people with mental illnesses into already-strained emergency rooms, hospitals and jails.

Help keep the promise of better mental health care alive. Tell your Senators: Vote NO on the BCRA.

Take Action

Learn more about the impact of the BCRA on mental health coverage below:

Marketplace Health Insurance Plans

Medicaid Expansion


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