Mar 3, 2016

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act? What are your rights in the workplace?

Listen to national experts, Claudia Center, J.D., of the ACLU and Lou Orlsene of the Job Accommodations Network as they give you a peak into your rights in the workplace and how you can request workplace accommodations for mental health conditions on this important webinar.

Watch the webinar.

Download the slides.


Claudia Center, J.D., is Senior Staff Attorney for the National ACLU Foundation Disability Rights Program. She has litigated cases that secure workplace accommodations and increase protections for workers with disabilities. Her special focus has been on employment rights for persons with mental health conditions.

Lou Orslene is Co-Director of the Job Accommodation Network's (JAN), the premier national resource for free, expert and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment. Lou’s presentations are informed by 25 years in the field of disability employment.

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