NAMI honored 16 doctors for the 2022 NAMI Exemplary Psychiatrist Awards.
Ijeoma Ijeaku, M.D.
Steve Koh, M.D.
Cheryl Corcoran, M.D
Mohini Ranganathan, M.D.
James Ellison, M.D
Robert Cotes, M.D.
Benjamin Druss, M.D.
Andrew Nierenberg, M.D
Anthony Sossong, M.D.
John Torous, M.D.
Kyleeann Stevens, M.D.
Sophia Vinogradov, M.D.
Robert Accordino, M.D.
Christine Moutier, M.D
Michael Zarzar, M.D.
Raquel Gur, M.D., Ph.D
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