NAMI HelpLine

Search results for: "suicide"


[…] services and supports for their health or mental health condition, these individuals are at a higher risk of repeated incarceration. In fact, the risk of death by suicide or opioid overdose , dramatically increases in the first days and weeks after an individual is released from jail or prison. According to one study, the […]


2 in 5 About                       people  who are incarcerated have a history of mental illness (37% in state and federal prisons and 44% held in local jails).       An estimated       with serious mental  illness are held in solitary confinement inside U.S. prisons.  4,000 people Suicide is the leading cause of death for people  held in local jails.                 of women in prison reported having  a history of mental  illness,  almost twice the percentage of men in prison. 66% 50,000 veterans About                                                     are held in local jails — 55% report  experiencing mental illness.  . Among incarcerated people with a mental  health condition, non-white individuals are  more likely to be held in solitary confinement,  be injured and stay […]


[…] din ) American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists ( aapp .org) If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 911 and/or the toll -free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800 -273 -TALK (8255) to speak with a trained crisis counselor 24/7. A help line and other resources are also available through the […]


[…] or handle daily problems and stress Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger Trouble concentrating and learning Overuse of substances like alcohol or drugs Thoughts of suicide or self-harming behaviors Difficulty perceiving reality (i.e., delusions or hallucina- tions) 18 % 17 % 10 % 8% WELL Barriers to Care Survey findings demonstrate that […]


[…] or handle daily problems and stress Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger Trouble concentrating and learning Overuse of substances like alcohol or drugs Thoughts of suicide or self-harming behaviors Difficulty perceiving reality (i.e., delusions or hallucina- tions) 18 % 17 % 10 % 8% WELL Barriers to Care Survey findings demonstrate that […]


[…] medical causes at a rate two or three times greater than the rest of the population. 4 Ten percent of people who struggle with schizophrenia die from suicide. Yet schizophrenia is a manageable disease. Advances in medicine, including antipsychotic medications, psychosocial therapy, and rehabilitation, now enable many people who live with schizophrenia to recover […]


[…] named NAMI a "besto in class" mental health  charity. •  U.S. fashion house Kenneth Cole  Productions obered boranded merchandise, a  pair of green sneakoers, supporting NAMoI. •  NAMI Family & Frieonds seminar launcheod. •  NAMI collaborated woith APA on the  development of the Cloinical Support System  for SMI Technical Assistanceo Center (SMI  Adviser).  •  "CBS This Morning" raon a special live  event, "Stop the Stigma: A Conversatioon  About Mental Health,o" featuring NAMI  experts. •  NAMI partnered witoh HBO’s "It’s OK"  initiative aimed aot destigmatizing moental  illness. HBO addedo content alerts to o programs and featuroed NAMI’s website and  a dedicated helplinoe number. •  NAMI advocated for poassage of the  National  Suicide Hootline Designation Aoct,  designating 988 as othe national crisis o number for mental heoalth emergencies. •  NAMI Provider progroam became part of tohe  required curriculuom for third-year medoical  students at the Deso Moines University o School of Osteopathic oMedicine. •  NAMI launched Basicos OnDemand online,  making the course avoailable 24/7. •  NAMI released the fiorst "Grading the States:  A Report on America’s Health Care System  for Serious Mental Iollnesses." •  NAMI released followo-up "Grading the  States: A Report on America’s Health Care  System for Adults with Serious Moental  Illness." •  The Abordable Care Act was signed    into law.   •  PBS stations nationowide aired "When  Medicine Got It Wrong," a documentary  […]


[…] a June event hosted by the Washington Post, NAMI CEO Mary Giliberti described serious mental illness as “the greatest health disparity no one is talking about.” During Suicide Prevention Month in September, more than 4,500 published articles mentioned NAMI. THE AUTHORITATIVE VOICE ON MENTAL ILLNESS During Mental Health Month, Kenneth Cole offered the first […]


[…] a June event hosted by the Washington Post, NAMI CEO Mary Giliberti described serious mental illness as “the greatest health disparity no one is talking about.” During Suicide Prevention Month in September, more than 4,500 published articles mentioned NAMI. THE AUTHORITATIVE VOICE ON MENTAL ILLNESS During Mental Health Month, Kenneth Cole offered the first […]


[…] Event $10,000.00 Capital One Foundation Ending the Silence $5,000.00 D.R.E.A.M. Clothing Unrestricted $6,705.00 Elster Forbes Foundation Unrestricted $30,000.00 FedEx Stigmafree Companies $10,000.00 Fidelity Charitable Bipolar Research and Suicide Prevention $1,000,000.00 Fusion Medical Staffing Unrestricted $10,000.00 Genentech Unrestricted $35,000.00 HBO Unrestricted $22,000.00 HCA Foundation NAMI Provider Education $30,000.00 Janssen Corporate Supporter Membership $60,000.00 Janssen NAMI […]

NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).