NAMI HelpLine

How Easy it is to Neglect Your Mental Health

Neglecting your mental health can be easy, especially since it’s not something we are always taught or reminded to prioritize. However, taking a step back...

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A Parent’s Guide to Mental Health for College Students

Mental health problems among college students are on the rise. If you are a parent of a college student, here are a few steps you can...

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Please, Don’t React; Respond

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The Scariest Panic Symptoms People Don’t Talk About

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Avoiding Holiday Stressors: Tips for a Stress-Free Season

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Supporting Your Own Mental Health as a Caregiver

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When Mental Illness Touches Home

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Tips for Successful Family Therapy

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How to Be Supportive of Your Partner with Mental Illness

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Realizing the Impact of Mental Illness on My Family

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Talking to Kids About Mental Illness

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When Someone Throws You a Lifeline

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Getting Older Veterans Proper Care

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The Stages of My Mental Illness

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Making the 2018 Mid-Term Elections About Mental Health

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Facing Discrimination While Advocating

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Overcoming Barriers to Recovery

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Moving Beyond the Shame Fog

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Why I Don’t Say My Son ‘Committed’ Suicide

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The Power to Create Change Comes from Within

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When Stigma Prevented Me from Getting Help

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Shutting Down Five Misconceptions About Depression

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NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).