NAMI HelpLine

In order to meet our mission, NAMI FaithNet (NFN) is supported by an Advisory Group that provides advice, guidance, recommendations, leadership, promotion and content to ensure that the voice and needs of our grassroots constituency is strong and reflected in our work.

NFN Advisors are volunteers who recommend to NAMI national staff NFN web content, materials, activities, tools and other resources.  On the local and state level, NFN Advisors support the initiation of faith outreach activities through their NAMI local and state affiliates. In addition, they help plan, manage and/or execute recommendations for networking, workshop, symposia sessions and an interfaith service for the NAMI Annual Convention.

Founding Members:
1. Doug Beach – Executive Director of NAMI San Antonio / Interim Chair
2. Dr. Victoria Harris, MD, MPH – NAMI, National Board of Directors, Board Member
3. Vicky Coffee – Founding Member of FaithNet Advisory Group
4. Dr. Jason Whitehead, MDiv, LCSW, PhD – Founding Member of FaithNet Advisory Group
5. Justin Milrad – President / Co-Founder of The Blue Dove Foundation
6. Dr. Chris Miller, EdD – Founding Member of FaithNet Advisory Group
7. Babu George Mathew – NAMI, National Board of Directors
8. Joyce Campbell, J.D. – NAMI, National Board of Directors, Immediate Past President
9. Imaan Siddiqi – NAMI, National Board of Directors / NextGen
10. Davy Yue – NAMI, National Board of Directors / NextGen

National Staff
11. Darcy E. Gruttadaro, J.D. – Chief Innovation Officer, National Staff
12. Dawn L. Brown – Director of Cross-Cultural Innovation and Engagement, National Staff
13. Dr. Cynthia McKnight, D. Div., C.C. – Manager, FaithNet, National Staff

NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).