NAMI On Campus: High School | NAMI

Starting a NAMI on Campus Club at a High School

Thank you for your interest in starting a NAMI On Campus Club at your high school! NAMI on Campus clubs are student-led, student-run mental health clubs on high school campuses. These clubs promote mental health awareness and education to support high school students through their transition to college and beyond.

Education and awareness are important, especially when it comes to mental health. By bringing a NAMI On Campus club to your school and community, YOU become part of the change in a really positive way. Congratulations!

NAMI On Campus for high schools is an incredible leadership opportunity for students to bring mental health clubs to their schools and community. We believe in empowering students to have control over the design of the club for their individual schools, so although we provide you with a framework with how to run your club, we encourage you to personalize it and make it your own!

Getting Started

Step 1: Get in touch with your local NAMI Affiliate or State Organization

In order to start a NAMI On Campus Club it is essential that you connect with your local affiliate or state organization. They will be your point of contact for all questions and help provide you with resources and support of the club. Click here to find your local NAMI. Some states may have additional steps to support your club.

Step 2: Complete all campus requirements

Talk with your school's administration about what steps you have to take to establish a club on your campus. Campuses may differ on their policies, so it’s important to get this out of the way to prevent any setbacks later down the road.

Step 3: Secure a faculty advisor

Find a faculty member who can be committed to attending club meetings and events. This advisor should also be comfortable talking about mental health.

Step 4: Secure your club leaders

At a minimum, your NOC club should contain a president, secretary, and a treasurer to help support club meetings and other club related efforts (i.e. events, funding, club materials).

Step 5: Register your Club with NAMI

Once you have completed all setup requirements, you can request the NOC Contact Form from [email protected] to formally be a part of the growing NAMI On Campus Community! The completion of this form will grant your club access to exclusive NOC materials to help your club get on the right foot to supporting your peers and educating your community.

For any additional questions about getting started, please reach out to [email protected].

Find Schools With A NAMI On Campus Club

Don't see a club at your school? Start your own!


  • Riverview High School


  • Iolani School


  • Sterling High School

New York

North Carolina

  • Polk County High School


  • Benson Polytechnic


  • Lindale High School


  • Forest Park High School
  • Woodbridge Senior High School

  • Capital High School
  • Lake Washington High School
  • West Valley High School

NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).