NAMI HelpLine

Gregory Carnesi

<b>2024 Alumni</b></br>
NAMI Next Gen

2024 Alumni
NAMI Next Gen

Meet Gregory Carnesi (they/them), a 24-year-old pursuing a Master of Social Work at the University of Washington in Seattle.  They’re passionate about blending their academic pursuits with their lived experience with depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder to contribute to 2024’s NAMI Next Gen. They’re committed to empowering others struggling with mental health and never passing up an opportunity to foster dialogue to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health. In their free time, they like to hang out with friends, study the tarot, and read books.

NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).