NAMI HelpLine

Teen mental health continues to struggle in pandemic, returning to school tough transition

Posted on May 6, 2021

Teen mental health has continued to suffer amid the pandemic, and going back to school in person, while a welcome sign of normalcy for some, could be daunting for others, experts said in a virtual town hall event hosted by Harvard University. “Entering the fall is going to be a really stressful time for young people because a number of kids have decided to continue remote learning, but when the fall comes, everyone for the most part will most likely go back to school,” said Dr. Christine Crawford, adult and child psychiatrist and associate medical director for NAMI. Going back to school full time will likely bring up strong emotions for teens, Crawford said, and some may feel anxious or more depressed. “When they’re in the classroom studying, there is a tendency to compare yourself to your peers around you,” Crawford said. Daniel Gillison, CEO of NAMI, said nationwide, there has been a sharp increase in the number of emergency room visits by people under 18 related to mental health concerns. “It’s no secret our young people are not all right,” Gillison said.


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