NAMI Honors Clackamas County Affiliate for Outstanding Implementation of National Program | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

Posted on June 26, 2002

Cincinnati, OH - The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) has presented one of three annual In Our Own Voice: Living with Mental Illness awards to NAMI Clackamas County for successfully and creatively implementing a national program that significantly involves people with mental illnesses (consumers) within the organization, training them to deliver messages of hope and recovery to public audiences.

In Our Own Voice: Living with Mental Illness is unique in that it relies on consumers to project the real face of mental illness, eliminate stereotypes stigma, and provides public education about brain disorders. In turn, participation in the program helps reintegrate consumers into the community and supports recovery through public action. "In Our Own Voice is a great coping skill for me, letting me share and try to help educate people, " said Don Looney, a consumer presenter.

"In Our Own Voice" also is a model for promotion of NAMI messages and missions as part of its broader "Campaign for the Mind of America," being launched this week at its 23rd convention in Cincinnati. Others convention honorees include Akiva Goldsman, who won an Oscar earlier this year for writing the screenplay of A Beautiful Mind and Michael Hogan, Chairman of President Bush's newly-appointed New Freedom Commission on Mental Health.


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