Posted on June 17, 2022
Arlington, VA — The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has honored and presented awards for exemplary national, state and local leadership as part of “NAMICon 2022, Together for Mental Health,” one of the nation’s largest gatherings of leaders and advocates across the mental health community.
The combined efforts of the award recipients are a force for positive change to improve the lives for both people with mental illness and their families. This year’s award winners are:
The (inaugural) NAMI CEO and Board President Award: Honors an exemplary individual for their extraordinary and tireless work in advancing NAMI and its mission
Cross Cultural Innovation and Engagement Award: Honors effective efforts to ensure that diversity and inclusion are high priorities within NAMI.
Gloria Huntley Award: Recognizes exemplary advocacy work by an individual or organization at the national or local level, nominated by the Advocacy Committee of the NAMI Peer Leadership Council.
Joyce Burland Inspirational Award: Recognizes a NAMI staff member or volunteer who has demonstrated creativity, dedication and resourcefulness to offer or expand NAMI’s national education programs, and who has served as an inspiration to families, individuals with a mental health condition or the public through their work with NAMI programs.
Ken Steele Award: Recognizes outstanding contributions by an individual living with mental illness to improve the quality of life, increase empowerment, and promote integration and inclusion for their peers.
Lionel Aldridge Champions Award: Recognizes an individual with mental illness who demonstrates courage, leadership and service in their work to promote recovery and ensure that all people with mental illness live full lives in their communities.
Outstanding NAMI Affiliate: Recognizes a NAMI Affiliate that demonstrates exceptional leadership, strong community presence, outreach to diverse communities and exemplary stewardship of the NAMI mission.
Outstanding NAMI State Organization: Recognizes the exemplary efforts of a NAMI State Organization to carry out the NAMI mission.
Richard and Betsy Greer Advocacy Award: Honors NAMI advocates whose leadership and vision have advanced policy and advocacy efforts that impact individuals with mental illness and their families. For 2022, we invited nominations for individuals who have substantially advanced policy or advocacy related to our strategic goal of “People Getting Diverted from Justice System Involvement” — whether 988 specifically or crisis response generally.
Rona and Ken Purdy Award to End Discrimination: Honors an individual or organization that has raised public awareness, reduced stigma and advanced our mission to build better lives for people with mental illness and their families.
Sam Cochran Criminal Justice Award: Honors an exemplary individual whose work in the criminal justice system has improved the fair and humane treatment of people with mental illness. For 2022, we invited nominations for individuals who have substantially contributed to our strategic goal of “People Getting Diverted from Justice System Involvement.”
Vicki Cottrell Award: This award recognizes the excellent work performed by a NAMI executive director, their longevity, and service to other NAMI executive directors.
Young Leader Award: Honors a young adult (age 25 and under) who exemplifies exceptional leadership among their peers to foster a culture of recovery and resiliency that helps young people with mental illness live full lives in their communities.
Exemplary Psychiatrist Awards: Honors psychiatrists who have made exceptional contributions to improve the lives of people with mental health conditions.
NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).