Criminal Justice System

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Please note that the resources within the Justice Library are not endorsed by NAMI and that the resources listed are not inclusive of all of the resources available on the topic.


Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System
Publication Date: Jun 01 2019
This report provides evidence-based practices for screening and assessment of adults in the justice system with mental illness, substance use disorders, or both. It discusses the importance of instrument selection for screening and assessment and provides detailed descriptions of recommended instruments.
Sheriffs Addressing the Mental Health Crisis in the Community and in the Jails
Publication Date: Jan 01 2019
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
There is both anecdotal and research evidence that the number of people with mental illnesses being contacted by law enforcement and subsequently becoming involved in the criminal justice system is growing (Fellner 2014; James and Glaze 2006; Reuland and Margolis 2003). The increased contact with law enforcement and continual involvement with the criminal justice system creates problems for the individuals being arrested and incarcerated. This is true for the law enforcement and correctional professionals as well, who must try to meet the needs of these individuals in a context and environment not suited to maintaining their safety or mental stability.