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Officer Health and Wellness Agency Assessment Tool and Action Planning Roadmap
Publication Date: Aug 11 2021
A comprehensive strategy to promote officer safety and wellness requires a multi-faceted approach addressing a variety of essential topics. The information contained in this resource is intended to serve as a guide for law enforcement executives or wellness program personnel who seek to establish or enhance an officer wellness program.
Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Programs: Eleven Case Studies
Publication Date: Jan 01 2019
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
The Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act of 2017 calls for the COPS Office to publish case studies of programs designed primarily to address officer psychological health and well-being. Aiming to focus on innovative but replicable programs in law enforcement agencies of various sizes around the country, the authors conducted 11 case studies of programs in 10 departments and one call-in crisis line. Each chapter of this publication describes agencies' programs and their origins, focusing on elements that can be implemented elsewhere in the effort to protect the mental and emotional health of law enforcement officers, their nonsworn colleagues, and their families.