NAMI HelpLine

Having information to use and share with others is important. Resources can be useful in different ways for everyone, so we encourage each individual to explore options and build a resource toolkit of your own.

Other resources to consider:

Resources for Health Care Organizations and Leadership

As a health care leader, having information to use and share with others in your organization is important. Resources can be useful in different ways for each organization, so we encourage each leader to explore options and build a resource toolkit of your own.

  • NAMI Frontline Wellness in collaboration with the American College of Emergency Physicians now offers PeER Connect, a 1-1 Peer Support Leader training for emergency physicians. To learn more about offering this training in your emergency department, contact
  • The Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation provides a Licensure and Credentialing Strategy Toolkit to help equip health systems and state-level institutions protect their health care workforce.
  • All In: Wellbeing First for Healthcare is a coalition of leading health care organizations, working to advance the well-being of the health care workforce and promote a cultural transformation toward systemic accountability.
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention offers interactive screening programs for suicide prevention, tailored for medical schools, hospitals and health systems.
  • Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation is a program of the American Nurses Association Enterprise, designed to connect and engage nurses, employers and organizations around improving nurses’ health in six areas: mental health, physical activity, nutrition, rest, quality of life and safety.
  • Suicide Prevention in Healthcare Settings is a video discussion from a range of expert perspectives, on the topics of evidence-based suicide assessments, suicide-focused treatments and decreasing malpractice risk through sound clinical practice.
  • Practice Transformation is a framework from the American Medical Association that provides guidance to health system leaders on how to create the conditions where joy, purpose and meaning are possible for physicians.

If you have free resources you would like others to know about, please send them to

NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).