NAMI HelpLine
NAMI Awards Compaq For Leading The Way In Equal Insurance Coverage For Mental Illness

Jul 31, 1998

Compaq was among nine major American corporations representing thousands of employees across the United States to receive the first-ever Leadership in Business award from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) at the organization's annual convention in Washington, DC.

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NAMI Awards EEX For Leading The Way In Equal Insurance Coverage For Mental Illness

Jul 31, 1998

EEX was among nine major American corporations representing thousands of employees across the United States who received the first-ever Leadership in Business award from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) at the organization's annual convention in Washington, DC.

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The National Alliance For The Mentally Ill Calls For Parity In Massachusetts

Jul 28, 1998

NAMI today called on the Massachusetts legislature to enact a health insurance parity bill before the session ends on Friday.

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The Russell Weston Tragedy is the Tragic Story of Schizophrenia in America

Jul 27, 1998

Our hearts go out to the families of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Jacob J. Chestnut and Special Agent John M. Gibson who were killed in the line of duty this past Friday.

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NAMI Awards Nine U.S. Corporations Leading The Way In Equal Insurance Coverage For Severe Mental Illness

Jul 20, 1998

Nine major American corporations representing thousands of employees across the United States received today the first-ever Leadership in Business award from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) at the organization's annual convention in Washington, D.C.

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Clarke Ross To Join NAMI As Deputy Executive Director for Public Policy

Jul 18, 1998

NAMI today announced the appointment of Clarke Ross, D.P.A., as its new Deputy Executive Director for Public Policy, the organization’s chief staff officer for coordinating public policy.

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Massachusetts Advocate Honored For Personal Courage, Leadership, And Advocacy On Behalf Of Others Living With Serious Mental Illnesses

Jul 18, 1998

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) today presented the Lionel Aldridge Award to Moe Armstrong of Boston, Massachusetts for his tremendous courage in successfully living with schizophrenia and extraordinary efforts to advocate on behalf of consumers and family members similarly affected by serious mental illnesses.

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Montana Advocate Honored Nationally For Fighting Discrimination Against People With Mental Illness

Jul 18, 1998

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) today honored Wesley Alcorn of Helena, Montana, for his tenacious advocacy to improve the lives of individuals with serious brain disorders.

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Nation at Crossroads of Success or Failure, Declare Advocates for the Mentally Ill

Jul 17, 1998

While millions of Americans who suffer from once crippling brain disorders are experiencing new found freedom and independence as a result of remarkable breakthrough medications, the majority are still imprisoned by stigma and discrimination resulting from imperfect laws and inadequate protections.

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New Federal Report Reconfirms Affordability of Equal Health Insurance Coverage for Mental Illnesses

Jul 15, 1998

The latest federal report on the costs of health insurance for mental illnesses, issued today by the National Advisory Mental Health Council, tells us, once again, that mental illnesses can be covered in health plans the same as other illnesses without breaking the bank.

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