NAMI HelpLine

Advocate for Change

You have the power to change how decision makers support people with mental health conditions. Find out what NAMI is doing on Capitol Hill and how you can become a mental health advocate.

NAMI's Federal Advocacy

NAMI advocates with Congress and the Administration on a wide variety of key issues.

Protect Medicaid. Protect Mental Health

Take Action

Join our movement. Speak up, share your story, and make a difference.

Tell Your Story

NAMI’s advocacy is powered by the personal stories of advocates. Share yours today.

Policy Priorities

Public policy impacts people with mental illness in many ways — from health care to housing to criminalization. Discover NAMI’s positions on critical issues and what we’re doing to improve lives.

Improving Health

NAMI fights for policies to ensure people get the best possible care.

Responding to Crises

NAMI fights for policies to ensure people in crisis get help, not handcuffs.

Supporting Community Inclusion and Non-Discrimination

NAMI fights for policies that help people successfully engage in the community.

Stopping Harmful Practices

NAMI fights for policies that end practices that cause or worsen mental health conditions.

NAMI Advocacy Actions

NAMI works with policymakers to advance priority issues and ensure that the voice of people affected by mental illness is considered in policymaking. Read NAMI’s recent letters to federal leaders, submitted comments and testimony and other resources.

Policy Platform

The Public Policy Platform and resolutions, formally approved by the NAMI Board of Directors, provide direction and guidance to the NAMI Alliance on a wide range of policy issues.

Crisis Intervention

NAMI is committed to advancing efforts to reimagine crisis response in our country. We believe that every person in crisis, and their families, should receive a humane response that treats them with dignity and connects them to appropriate and timely care.

State Fact Sheets

Many important mental health policy decisions happen at the state level. Download important state-specific mental health statistics in a printable PDF format.

Public Policy Reports

NAMI’s public policy reports provide important insights into key issues that affect the lives of people with mental health conditions to inform effective mental health policy.

Helpful Articles & Stories

Additional Resources

Find a NAMIWalk

Attend the NAMI Nationaal Convention

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NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).