Nov 10, 2020

Today, the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in California v. Texas (also called Texas v. United States in lower court cases), a case that will decide the fate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If the Supreme Court rules that the ACA is unconstitutional, it would impact millions of people with mental health conditions.

To highlight the importance of the ACA for people with mental health conditions, NAMI released What the Affordable Care Act Has Meant for People with Mental Health Conditions — And What Could be Lost, an issue brief on the impact of the ACA on our community.

As the brief points out, we can’t go back to a time when health coverage for millions of people with mental health conditions was inaccessible, inadequate and unaffordable.

The ACA has helped people with mental illness by requiring coverage of mental health care, making insurance more affordable, extending mental health parity protections and ending discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. In addition, because of the ACA, 20 million people have gained insurance coverage. More details on the protections and benefits of the Affordable Care Act can also be found in the issue brief.

As NAMI continues our advocacy, please consider sharing your story of why the ACA is important for people affected by mental health conditions. NAMI will use these videos to help policymakers understand the ACA’s impact.

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