Personal Stories Archive | Page 19 of 22 | NAMI

This Road is Long, but Worth It.

I still find it difficult to do a lot of things, but as the weather warms up and the sun comes out, I find myself smiling. Recovery is hard, but it’s worth it.

Anxiety Shapes My Life

Living with anxiety is one of the reasons I decided to pursue mental health and substance abuse counseling as my career. I want to help people that struggle with the deep, dark monsters known collectively as mental illness.

The Inner Monologue of BPD

I’m Katie. I’m a 31-year-old mother of three. I have bipolar I and borderline personality disorder. This is just a glimpse of what goes through my head in a regular day.

What is Wrong with Me?

On the outside looking in, everything is utterly perfect. On the inside, striving for perfection is one of many things that fuels the ugly three-headed monster that swallows up everything happy in my mind. That monster is anxiety.

Bek’s Story

I started attending NAMI meetings as part of an outpatient program, which was proceeded by my first ever manic episode and my diagnosis of bipolar disorder. 

Living with Someone with Bipolar Disorder

As someone living with a significant other with bipolar disorder, not only is it a challenge for the individual, but also for their family, friends and caregivers.


Twenty years ago this past Thanksgiving, my 22-year-old son, Nuçi, took his own life after struggling with major depression for many years…It was completely surreal and excruciatingly painful knowing that we’d never see Nuçi again.

My Recovery from Self-Injury

I hit rock bottom and I hit it hard. The most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do was make my way back up.

Carly’s Story

The summer going into my junior year of high school, I started to feel different…A month or two after being diagnosed, the thoughts came. I had a plan to end my life.

My Story with Bipolar Disorder

NAMI support groups have helped me to realize I am not alone in my recovery. I truly believe recovery is possible. My story is not over yet.  I’m ready to reclaim my life.  
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