Personal Stories Archive | Page 6 of 22 | NAMI

Weathering the Seasons and Cycles of a Mental Health Condition

Have you ever looked out a dirty widow through which you could hardly see, then wiped it clean and enjoyed the view? That's the best way I can describe what this new regimen did for me.

Learning to Manage My Bipolar Disorder

Throughout this journey, I’ve learned that you need to prioritize having a good treatment team, cultivating honest friendships and practicing self-care and acceptance.

Pursuing My Dream Career While in Recovery

My parents were instrumental in helping me shed the deeply-internalized fear that my diagnosis would limit my future. They reminded me that if I took care of myself, my career would follow.

What My Experience with Law Enforcement Taught Me About Crisis Response

As I look back on my situation and other stories of incarceration, I hope to educate law enforcement and the public on a better approach to mental health crisis response. The bottom line? People in crisis do not belong in jail.

How My Family’s Support and Unconditional Love Helped Me Recover

I finally stopped fighting him. He stayed by my side, loved me and supported me.

My Battle with Mental Illness Following My Cousin’s Suicide

For a long time, I blamed myself for his death. How did I not know that he was suffering? Why didn't I call him more?

Saving Myself to Save My Family

I used my pain as motivation — I educated myself on mental illness and began to advocate for myself and my treatment.

Finding Peace and Recovery Through Fitness

The struggles we’ve faced in the past simply make us stronger — and we all deserve to have happy and beautiful lives.

Moving Forward After Losing My Father to Suicide

After recognizing how bad things had become, I knew it was time to get serious about my own mental health.

Hope Lost, Strength Found

Bit by bit, I peeled away the glue that bound my sense of self with these thoughts. But it took me some time to accept why this all happened to me. It had a name: OCD.
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