Personal Stories Archive | Page 7 of 22 | NAMI

Your Trauma IS Valid: The Journey to Understanding My PTSD

Like any mental illness, PTSD is not one-size-fits all, requiring some trial and error to find the best path for recovery. I can tell you, though, that working on even one aspect of your trauma can make a vast difference in your life.

The Real Face of Depression

Lately, I have chosen to believe in myself and focused on the triumphs — my ability to speak up when I am not well, to identify and honor both "good" and "bad" days. Knowing I am not alone and finding strength in those who fight the same fight is empowering.

Overcoming Cultural Stigma to Fight my Depression

I have come to understand that mental health is just as important as physical health — and untreated mental illness can be as life-threatening as any serious physical condition.

My Struggle with OCD

"I did not receive a proper diagnosis or treatment plan for this mental illness until I was 30 years old, but I spent over 20 years of my life knowing that something inside me felt off compared to others."

How Depression is Like the Common Cold

"If we just take the proper steps to caring for ourselves, just as we would do when we have a common cold, we can learn to manage our illness."

Mother’s Day and Mental Health Awareness Month

"The stigma of mental illness has isolated those struggling with it and their families for far too long. This is why I share our story."

How the Pandemic Forced Me to Face My Feelings

"I no longer feel like disappearing is an option. I know that I’m blessed and that not many have the opportunities that I have to help navigate my mental health."

My Daughter’s Story

In the fall of her freshman year of high school, Michelle made a startling revelation: she was struggling with an eating disorder and needed help. I was overwhelmed by guilt and felt like a failure as a parent.

I Was Scared To Talk About My Mental Health

A friend once told me, you are never weak when you seek help. Speak up about the issues you are facing and find strength in vulnerability.

Finding My Identity When I Felt Lost

"To you reading this, I hope you find yourself, I hope you find prosperity, and I hope you pass the torch and provide encouragement to your peers."
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