In The News | NAMI

The Road To Recovery

Posted on February 16, 2017

Hartford Courant

Claire Bien and Rebecca McCann  talk about their struggles and recovery from mental illness as part of NAMI's In Our Own Voice community education program  IOOV helps to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health conditions. Bien is the author of Hearing Voices, Living Fully.


High-dose B vitamins can effectively reduce schizophrenia symptoms, research finds

Posted on February 16, 2017

Medical Life Sciences News

The first meta-analysis on this topic could be an important advance, given that new treatments for this condition are so desperately needed.


Depression may be our brain’s way of telling us to stop and solve a problem

Posted on February 15, 2017

Business Insider

As fascinating as evolutionary explanations are, it's hard to prove they are correct, especially if they haven't yet been reinforced by other research. The idea that depression might be a biological adaptation rather than a mental disorder is not the consensus of the mental-health community. And even if the hypothesis is correct, it's likely incomplete and doesn't explain all facets of depression.


Psychiatric drugs haven’t improved for decades. So researchers are scouring the brain for leads

Posted on February 15, 2017


Even when the mechanism of a brain disease is better understood, it’ll still be a very long road to better treatments.


Medicaid: A vital lifeline for mental health care

Posted on February 14, 2017

The Hill

NAMI CEO Mary Gilibart's commentary warns that Congress is considering changes to Medicaid that could set back the cause of improving mental health care and deny care to millions of Americans with mental illness. Medicaid is the most important funder of services for people with mental illness. About one-third of people added to Medicaid in the states that have expanded the program live with a mental illness or substance use condition.



The ACA Debate: Move Forward, Not Back

Posted on February 7, 2017

Huffington Post

Lives are at stake. CEO Mary Giliberti's HP blog quotes residents of California, Michigan and Pennsylvania. NAMI’s position is non-partisan and simple. We want to keep what works and make the mental health care system even better than it is today.


Mental illness advocate weighs in on gun regulation repeal

Posted on February 4, 2017


“The intent is good to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill but the process of just allowing the Social Security to sorta willy nilly decide who that is.. Is probably not the best way to handle that," said Paton Blough, a member of the NAMI South Carolina board.


We Put Our Lives on Hold for 7 Years to Get Our Schizophrenic Son the Help He Needed

Posted on February 2, 2017

Good Housekeeping

Liz and Steve joined the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a support and advocacy program for families dealing with mental illness.


Dating & Mental Illness: 5 Ways to Deal

Posted on February 1, 2017


The growing number of undiagnosed mental illnesses—specifically in the Black community —is a nagging concern. According to NAMI, “a good relationship provides valuable social support during difficult times..”



How Parents Can Identify Mental Health Problems in Their College Kids

Posted on January 30, 2017

US News & World Report

See also  NAMI's special guide, "Starting the Connversation: College and Your Mental Health" at

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