In The News | NAMI

My dad killed himself when I was 13. He hid his depression. I won’t hide mine.

Posted on February 9, 2016

Washington Post

Living with depression and axiety disorder, the author finally accepted that her conditions are real illnesses and  not flaws and her fault--and that recovery was possible and theydidn’t have to end with suicide. Those truths helped her find compassion for her dad.


‘Schizophrenia’ does not exist, argues expert

Posted on February 2, 2016

Medical Xpress

Besides its stigmatizing,harshness as a word, is schizophrenia even an appropriate term for diagnosis?


Scientists open the ‘black box’ of schizophrenia with dramatic genetic discovery

Posted on January 27, 2016

Washington Post

Fo the first time, scientists have identified a molecular process in the brain that helps to trigger schizophrenia. It might ultimately lead to early detection and new treatments.


Task Force: Doctors should screen all adults for depression

Posted on January 26, 2016

USA Today

Major depression is a leading cause of disability in the United States The new screening guidelines emphasize that it is common, painful, costly and treatable.


Improving the Federal Response to Challenges in Mental Health Care in America

Posted on January 20, 2016

U.S. Senate HELP Committee

NAMI New York's Hakeem Rahim, EdM, MA testified for NAMI at a Senate hearing on reform of the mental health care system. Video and text are presented.


What Obama’s Executive Action Means for Mental Health Funding

Posted on January 5, 2016

ABC News

$500 million would  provide a great help for people needing mental health care.  States across the country cut mental health funding during the recession by approximately $4 billion


Mental health legislative update: 2015 achievements acknowledged, 2016 ambitions outlined

Posted on January 1, 2016


NAM's report “State Mental Health Legislation: Trends, Themes and Effective Practices” recognized three states— Minnesota, New York and Virginia--as national leaders. NAMI itself has many great executive directors. but it doesn't hurt that Minnesota's director is willing to make herself a thorn in the side of decisionmakers.



Neighbor worries that neighbor has mental illness

Posted on December 31, 2015

Ask Amy (syndicated column)

NAMI medical director Ken Duckworth is consulted an advises that depending on the severity of a situation, a person can start by simply asking the  neighbor, “Do you have a friend or family member I can call for you?”


U.S. police get little training to handle crises with mentally ill

Posted on December 29, 2015


Police are being asked  to fill the gaps that have been created by an inadequate mental health care system.


Still in a Crib, Yet Being Given Antipsychotics

Posted on December 15, 2015

New York Times

Many doctors worry that these drugs are used despite no published research into their effectiveness and potential health risks for children so young

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