Aug 6, 2015
This morning, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced the "Mental Health and Safe Communities Act," a bill designed to prevent unnecessary incarceration of people with mental illness and enhance treatment and services for individuals while they are in correctional facilities and following release.
Read More.Aug 6, 2015
This morning, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced the "Mental Health and Safe Communities Act," a bill designed to prevent unnecessary incarceration of people with mental illness and enhance treatment and services for individuals while they are in correctional facilities and following release.
Read More.Jul 23, 2015
The Board of Directors of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has elected Marilyn Ricci of Connecticut as president of the national organization's board of directors.
Read More.Jul 22, 2015
This webinar will walk you through NAMI’s new program NAMI Homefront, a 6-session educational program offered for free to families, caregivers and friends of military service members and Veterans experiencing symptoms of mental health conditions.
Read More.Jul 9, 2015
NAMI has launched "Hope Starts with You," a new campaign of PSAs for television. The two PSAs featured in the campaign emphasize the difference that individuals can make in helping the 1 in 5 Americans who live with mental illness in any given year.
Read More.Jul 9, 2015
NAMI has launched "Hope Starts with You," a new campaign of PSAs for television. The two PSAs featured in the campaign emphasize the difference that individuals can make in helping the 1 in 5 Americans who live with mental illness in any given year.
Read More.Jul 9, 2015
Former California Senate President Darrell Steinberg and Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey honored on July 9 at the NAMI National Convention in San Francisco.
Read More.Jul 9, 2015
Former California Senate President Darrell Steinberg and Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey honored on July 9 at the NAMI National Convention in San Francisco.
Read More.Jul 9, 2015
This week the U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on the 21st Century Cures Act. This legislation advances the development of new treatments for a broad range of illnesses—including mental illness.
Read More.Jun 29, 2015
Presidential candidate owes all Americans an apology after claiming that the U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts "needs medication for schizophrenia," based on the logic of decisions in court rulings last week.
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