Press Releases | NAMI

NAMI Convention Honors “A Beautiful Mind”

June 21, 2002

During NAMI's annual convention in Cincinnati, the movie "A Beautiful Mind" will receive perhaps the highest honor of all: a special award from people who themselves have struggled with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, for the year's "Greatest Contribution to Public Understanding of Mental Illness."


NAMI Announces Annual Media Awards for “Fair, Accurate, Sensitive” Reporting on Mental Illness

June 21, 2002

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) today announced its annual Outstanding Media Awards for fair, accurate, and sensitive reporting editorials and features about mental illness that have contributed to public support for improvement of the nation's mental health care system.


NAMI Loses a Dedicated Friend

June 11, 2002

Funeral services will be held Friday, June 14th at 2:00 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church, 3240 "O" Street in Georgetown in Washington, D.C. for Richard Jed Wyatt, former chief of NIMH's Neuropsychiatry Branch and a long-time friend of NAMI, who died June 7th, after a long illness.


NAMI Members Rally in Support of Mental Health Parity

June 6, 2002

On Thursday, June 6 more than 2,000 supporters of mental health parity gathered in Washington, D.C. to urge Congress to act to end insurance discrimination against individuals with mental illness and their families.


Pass Parity Now

June 6, 2002

There are literally tens of thousands of people with mental illnesses in this country who lead highly productive lives and many more who could if they had access to treatment through adequate insurance coverage.


D-DAY: Hundreds to Rally at U.S. Capitol to Demand Mental Health Parity

June 5, 2002

 NAMI members will arrive by the busload Thursday, June 6th from New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states for a noon rally on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. The date is a coincidence, but for about 1000 people with mental illnesses, family members and friends, the event indeed is a bit like D-Day.


Imagining Robert: My Brother, Madness & Survival

May 10, 2002

In 1997, the book struck a nerve with hundreds of thousands of Americans and led to Robert Neugeboren's deinstitutionalization. Five years later, as President George W. Bush launches a Commission on Mental Health to recommend changes in the nation's treatment system for mental illness, Imagining Robert: My Brother, Madness and Survival, is making rounds again as a one-hour documentary.


NAMI Recognizes America’s Exemplary Psychiatrists

May 2, 2002

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) will honor 46 psychiatrists with its 2002 NAMI Exemplary Psychiatrists Awards during the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Philadelphia, PA on May 22, 2002.


NAMI Applauds President’s Mental Health Commission and Pledge to Pass Full Parity Legislation

April 29, 2002

Today in New Mexico, President George W. Bush stepped forward and joined NAMI as the nation's voice on mental illness. 


Remarks of President George W. Bush in Support of Insurance Parity

April 29, 2002

As many Americans know, it is incredibly painful to watch someone you love struggle with an illness that affects their mind and their feelings and their relationships with others. We heard stories today in a roundtable discussion about that -- what the struggle means for family.

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