NAMI HelpLine

Posted on September 20, 2022

ARLINGTON, VAThe first-ever book from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) written by NAMI Chief Medical Officer Ken Duckworth, M.D., was published today by Zando. The book is titled “You Are Not Alone: The NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Health ― With Advice from Experts and Wisdom from Real People and Families.”

“You Are Not Alone” stands apart from other mental health advice books by sharing lived experiences based on interviews with more than 130 named people, aged 16-100 — along with answers from top experts to dozens of frequently asked questions — making it a singular resource for anyone beginning a mental health journey, or their loved ones. NAMI’s hope is that this book can help people find that critical help and support sooner and make recovery more accessible to those trying to find it.

It went on sale today at major retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and, along with numerous independent booksellers. All royalties will support NAMI and our mission of education, support and advocacy for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

Duckworth’s decades-long journey toward writing the book had its origins in his family’s experiences with his father, Joe, who had bipolar disorder.

“Mental illness and recovery are human experiences, so I consider experience-based evidence an authoritative source for this book,” Duckworth wrote. “Individuals who have lived with mental health conditions are a source of untapped wisdom on how to build a life and thrive while living with mental health conditions. My goal is to synthesize this anecdotal evidence with traditional research-based evidence; to provide practical, compassionate advice; and to offer the comfort that comes from knowing that, wherever you are in your recovery journey, you are not alone.”

In his foreword to the book, NAMI CEO Daniel H. Gillison Jr. wrote: “Our mission is well represented by the stories we share, which focuses on first-person experience from people with mental illness, as well as those of their family members and loved ones… Whether you are experiencing mental illness symptoms for the first time, are a caregiver of someone who is struggling, or just a concerned friend or family member, I hope that this resource will help you to determine next steps for yourself or your loved one.”

The book has won early praise from noted authors and experts in the mental health field, including:


“Powerful and poignant, this book is for anyone who has struggled with mental health challenges. As a therapist myself, I value the bravery with which these people share their personal experiences to help destigmatize mental health for others. Let’s talk about it all.”

Lori Gottlieb, author of “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone”


“In this invaluable book, Dr. Duckworth amplifies the voices of real people who have dealt with mental illness, both doctors and patients. His crowd-sourced method will help people facing similar challenges feel connected to a vast community. If you read this book, you cannot feel alone in your struggles.”

Andrew Solomon, author of “The Noonday Demon” and “Far from the Tree.”


“Families dealing with mental illness, which means virtually all families, need a guide that conveys hope, wisdom, and actionable information. You Are Not Alone is that guide. Unlike previous books, this is a practical guide to help all of us navigate the stormy seas of a loved one’s mental illness. A must-read.”

Thomas Insel, M.D., former director, National Institutes of Mental Health, author of “Healing”


More information, early reviews and online book purchases are available at Select stories from people in the book can be found here.

You Are Not Alone Cover
The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.

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