NAMI HelpLine




#BlackMentalHealthMatters | #AfricanImmigrantStrong


For those of us in Black/African Ancestry communities, being open about how we’re really doing can be a struggle.

There are stereotypes to overcome; pressures to be excellent; fears of being perceived as vulnerable or spiritually weak.

To compound these challenges, We have been disproportionately impacted by a global pandemic; we are constantly confronted with the trauma of racism and police brutality in the media; and our community continues to be one of the fastest growing but most poorly understood. As a result, we must find better and more accessible ways to start talking about our individual and communal wellness.

Did you know?

Black adults are
20% more likely
to report serious psychological distress than white adults

The suicide rate among Black youth has been
increasing faster
than any other racial/ethnic group

1 in 3
Black adults in need of mental health treatment receive it

That’s why we created NAMI Sharing Hope, a free safe space to have conversations on mental health and wellness— because people of Black and African Ancestry around the country deserve supportive and healing spaces by and for us to help our communities thrive.

It’s Time To Take The Narrative Back.

NAMI Sharing Hope is designed to introduce discussions on mental health and wellness through a three-part community conversation series grounded in the sharing of sacred stories and guided dialogue on mental wellness and support.


Photos of people of black/african ancestory

NAMI Sharing Hope is an initiative created by Black and Brown communities for Black and Brown communities.  

Photos of people of black/african ancestory

Community Conversation For Black And African Healing

If you are a part of the Black or African ancestry community and are looking to join or start conversations about Black mental health, we made NAMI Sharing Hope for you.

We provide high-quality videos, facilitator guides and other resources you can use to organize community conversations rooted in sacred storytelling and ancestral wisdom. Facilitators help prompt discussion on community needs, challenges with mental health, wellness and coping strategies.
Separate segments are available for Families, Young People and Community Leaders; and materials can be adapted to diverse settings — from churches to barber shops to large celebrations and more.

Youth & Wellness:
“How Do You Heal?”

Community Leaders & Mental Wellness:
“The Art of Healing”

Black Families & Mental Wellness:
“Smiling On Our Journey”

Get Involved

If you are interested in…


  • Accessing the NAMI Sharing Hope videos, discussion guides and other resources to become a facilitator and start a NAMI Sharing Hope discussion near you,
  • Finding a NAMI Sharing Hope community conversation near you to participate in, or
  • Learning more about the NAMI Sharing Hope initiative,


fill out the form below:


I Want To Become A Facilitator, Participate In A Group Conversation, Or Learn More:


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A Special Thanks to Our Partners Who Made NAMI Sharing Hope Possible

NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).